Snow White Review Disneys WORST Propaganda YET
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Snow White review of Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Adaptation with Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot. Snow White is finally out but as the box office shows dubious appreciation from the audience, is Snow White a good movie? The original 1937 animation of Snow White was beloved by fans for decades, can Rachel Zegler pull off the same love? Is Snow White worth watching?
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#rachelzegler #snowwhite #Disney Развлечения
Snow White Review of Rachel Zegler's crowning glory, the live action adaptation of Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. When the BBC is saying that your movie is Disney's most bluntly political movie yet, you know you've gone too far. Even Ricky Gervais has comedy bits about Snow White being such a disaster at this point. This is one of the few flops that was just a massive disaster, it went mainstream. The box office seems to be dying, lower than any previous prediction and even the critics couldn't stand having their noses rubbed in their own belief system. Snow White is a movie designed to deconstruct and strip anything traditional and normal from the movie. We add pointless characters, remove any values from the film and instead replace it with their polar opposites. It wants to teach children to campaign for the glorious revolution. And as this is the toned down version of Snow White, it shows that Disney has no idea how to fix their company. Frankly, I look forward to their future car crashes. But what did you think of the movie? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)
@@disparutoo lol. Fk it. It's Sunday.
As a fellow British there is no way you think the current state of the world and how we live is good. Why should American tech companies only pay (ideally, in reality much less) 2% tax? "Oh they want to be rewarded for their work"
You can criticise literal communism (in this case one of the few times the word is being used correctly) without making it seem like you are bending over for the corpos that have drained everything good from British society. Cause it's not a left wing project to have mass migration - it's a right wing one demanded by corpos to suppress wages and living standards and raise rents and house prices. People need to learn why labour, back when they were an actual working class movement, were against migration. Nothing has changed about those points being correct - just that we no longer have a working class political party, just various shades of woke social policies and far right wing economic policies to dedicate the state solely to increasing profits for big business, no matter the cost to the nation itself and her people.
@@arostwocents cool, see you at school tomorrow
@@arostwocents Communism is literally forced sharing, get a grip lol
@@arostwocents I'm slow, dumb, and easily manipulated and I agree with you 100% fellow genius. 🤡
Snow White and the Seven Ticket Sales...
Lol good one 👍👏🤣
Joe Biden, the evil clown, once said about Hollywood
“Think - behind of all of the pro Gay and "woke agenda", I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry.”
Hah! Solid.
"Weird, weird" will haunt her forever, and rightly so.
That’s Hollywood baby!
As it should. She learned a very hard lesson at a very young age.
That meme will live forever. She will learn to hate it. 😂
"evidently so" !!
I hope that this serves to help Actors to understand they are here to entertain and there are consequences for flapping your gums.
She didn’t want our business, so we didn’t give it to her.
And she's surprised
Weird. Weird.
The greatest Snow White ever and the worst Snow White ever. One is loved by dwarves everywhere, one is hated.
You weren’t going to see it anyway
Well said.
"Give them an apple pie"! WTF?!?
As in, "let them eat cake"?
And yeah, the dwarves in hot pursuit of the witch was very cool! Hot on her heels after she "killed" their beloved friend, like a pack of rabid wolves out for blood, was dramatic, emotional and AWESOME!
So, we certainly can't have THAT anymore!
Remember in the original movie where Snow White worked hard to impress Grumpy, even making him his own pie and in return Grumpy led the charge against the Evil Queen at the end? Good times
Men will do a lot for a woman's pie
Those high standards of yours. You can't expect Hollywood writing to get better after barely a century.
I don't.
In the original tale, the huntsman just snatches her by himself I think.
Remember when she became a caring mother figure to the dwarves, giving to others on the same day she'd lost everything? And Zegler thinks she's weak.
@@MrCmon113 so, you don’t remember the thing being discussed? Useful addition to the conversation, then.
The big issue with Hollywood feminism is that it disrespects women by telling them its wrong to be a traditionally feminine woman. Women, and anyone in general, should be able to have whatever personality they are born with. Are you a girl boss? Great. Are you a traditional housewife? Great. Are you something in between? That's great too. Stop telling people what is wrong and right, and if someone disagrees with you it doesn't automatically make them wrong. Being different is an awesome thing.
If you attend therapy, they're going to be fairly non-judgmental. The point is your happiness and they'll interrupt you if you use the word 'should'. It's an ideology that filters out (and we can assume that a lot of female execs as disney are super into therapy). Disney feminist is likely a mid point between that and wanting young women to dream of being a tech CEO from age 8 (where the rewards of being a leader as observed in men have included never seeing their children and developing ulcers). If everything were equal, then being a stay at home wife would be equal to being a high powered CEO if it made you happy. However, I'm not sure anyone actually believes in the no judgement thing. If you adopt the notion that happiness is everything, then there's no reason why Ziegler couldn't form a polycule with the bandits or fall in love with a tree. She had an infinite number of options that weren't trying to ascend into a position of power (and responsibility).
If you NEED to replace the feminine story, it makes sense to do something more humanist. Not try to usher 8 year olds into a corporate path where they'll be shackled to their desks. And there's only so many spots at the top. If you've been told that you should get what you want and then the best you can do is middle management, that seems like it would increase your misery. It packages corporate feminism, but then within the narrative says that leadership is an expectation placed on Snow by her father. If so, it's not HER aspiration.
Darwin always sorts it out in the end anyway. These people always babble on about "nature" but they won't ever stop meddling and let things naturally sort themselves.
Hollywood simply using feminism, along with a bunch of other lefty ideals, as a patsy in their destruction of western cultural icons
Thank you. I'm someone who tries their best to be independent in this day and age, but at the same time, I also love doing houseworks, cooking, and dream about romance sometimes. What's so wrong about that? Modern feminism and Hollywood keep preaching that my latter half is a sign of weakness, what so weak about feminism?
The fact that Snow White would happily clean up for messy dwarves despite being a princess was kind of the point.
But humility is a mortal sin in California 2025.
Didn't she also civilize them?
It's actually a very interesting nuance. Before then she HAD been forced to work as a scullery maid by the evil Queen. But her volunteering to clean for the dwarves illustrates an important point: it wasn't being a scullery maid that was itself disgraceful and terrible... it was that she wasn't free to choose for herself. Once she chose - even if she chose the exact same thing - it transformed 'forced labour' into a 'show of kindness'. It is TYRANNY that is bad, NOT work!
Exactly exactly. She proved that she was kind and caring and didn’t care that she was royal and honestly, this is kind of going on a tangent so I apologize but the whole Apple pie thing really pisses me off because Snow White never made apple pies she made gooseberry pies, and it was never done with her parents Ever these people are idiots.
Bro what if us movie stars have to start cleaning up???
@@Mereologistyou sir are brilliant
Queen: “Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
Mirror: “You’re totally a good person and worthy of your royal position.”
Queen: “Idgaf about that!! How good do I look?!”
Mirror: “Um…better than the diversity hire you poisoned.”
Queen: “Good deal. I think we finally got what it takes to take on AOC.”
*roll* *credits*
You know I could imagine that actually being a genuine part of this film..!
Peter Dinkedge hasn't gotten enough grief for his role in this disaster.
There can be only one!
Yeah.. he really stopped other little people from getting a job. What a pos.
@@michaelreich4827 yeah and now in a live adaptation of the story we have cgi nightmare fuel dwarves which such an odd choice, is it animation or live action??
Enough grief? That would imply he got any? That hasn't been disclosed.
Wish that would be revealed.
He's the biggest hypocrite out there. He literally became a household name thx to playing a DWARF on GoT
This is the best SW review I’ve seen bc it actually used the 1937 version as contrast, with video.
It wasn’t simply “Ziegler Destroyed, Libs Owned”.
Well done Sir. New sub.
You see.. I had to read your comment again because the first time I read SW my brain added a 'J' in the middle there ...
That says a lot about the tone of this film 😂
lol I hear you.
Almost 10 years of this acid trip.
I’m very tired.
@kissthesky40 God yeah it's been a long one x
Because Rachel Zegler isn't white as snow, they changed the story so that she was named "Snow White" because she was born in a blizzard. That makes sense, because I was born during a tornado outbreak, so my parents named me "Flying Cow."
I mean, that's kinda awesome lol
Hey FC, hope you're taking care 😁
I was born during a heatwave, my parents called me Melty Tarmac.
I heard this one guy was named James What The Hell’s That Cow Doing In Here Poorchick.
I know what you mean. I was born during an earthquake, so my parents named me Free Churn.
This same Mary Sue-style instant heroism was all over the Mulan remake as well. She just had to believe in the greatness that she already had inside.
Seriously, they have to be perfect from the start because just they thought they need to work on something makes them blow a gasket.
This movie is actually bringing me joy and not because I've seen it, but because I haven't. Which is wild. It's nice to see it flop.
I went to the cinema to see another movie, entered Snow White just for fun. Only seats, no humans.
For every day I don’t watch that movie my self esteem is boosted
I can imagine the movie starting and you walking out like “ok a joke has it’s limits” 😂
It's very satisfying to know that this young women has instilled so much hate among the incel community.
Hollywood studio don’t 😂watch thus😅
"I don't need your business" - It's not your company sweet thing.
That is a very common belief among these cows.
I watched exact behavior among woke game studio employees.
They say, do not like my game, do not buy it.
Your game? YOUR GAME? You are sinking your company's IP.
You are putting every good person on the street along activists...
They are nearly insane. This is a sort of insanity when a brain is so soft that it works like a child's brain.
Infantility paired with delusion. That is what most people in entertaining industry suffer from.
She’s not even sweet. Just thing.
@@brotherkhrayn3525 brown mystery meat thing
@@brotherkhrayn3525 calling it a thing is very insulting to things!
The original Snow White was a great character. Think about it, she faced such evil and darkness and *still* chose to open her heart to love. That’s inspiring. She’s resilient and does not allow fear to control her.
And she is not a power hungry controlling jealous envious villain, which is the epitome of what feminists this day and age are.
@ feminists have let me down so much as a woman. They say they care about all women and then they completely abandon Jewish and Israeli women when they were raped and massacred on October 7th.
Basically like Harry Potter. That poor kid went through hell yet because he had decent people around him was able to rise above all the bad treatment he received & remain moral and decent when evil would've been easier. That's a lesson kids have been taught since dot because it's such a good one. These HW writers have no moral compass so don't know how to portray decent. Instead seek to excuse all bad behaviour. Those doing wrong are never to blame. It's circumstance or upbringing or environment so they should always be forgiven, never receive consequences and even be allowed to continue being bad because 'it's not their fault'.
We get it, wanhaminst strank.
Girl and Democrat here!!! Love is beautiful and most wonderful thing men and women can feel with each other aka straight people exists and sustain humanity.
Hollywood: it burns us! It burns us!😊
Disney totally changed the plot of this classic children’s fairy tale! In the original, Snow White had been badly scared, until she found a place of refuge from friendly forest animals. She cleaned it up and made stew in hopes of being given protection. I thought it very gallant of the dwarves to let her take all 7 beds so she could have a private room upstairs, while they slept in nooks and crannies. It was a thoroughly delightful story. However, it was filled with noble values that were popular in 1937, and are being eschewed today.
I don’t see how the Queen is considered evil. By their own definition she’s the complete embodiment of the strong, free, and independent modern woman who needs no man. She’s the ultimate boss babe. So why is Disney characterizing her as evil? She’s the very woman they’ve been singing the praises of for the last two decades.
Dude, RIGHT?! WTF, man!
See also "Cruella", where they tried to make us root for a woman so fucking evil that she wanted to SKIN PUPPIES TO MAKE A COAT.
She raised taxes to make the rich pay their fair share.
Disney movies: where the "protagonists" are the baddies and the villains are the true heroes.
Zegler: _"If I'm going to wear an iconic Disney princess dress all day long then I deserve to be paid for every minute the movie is streamed"_
Disney: _"We accept your terms. Here's your $3.50 from streaming revenue"_
Let her tend the land.
3.50? That's being generous...Disney would probably give her nothing due to how bad the movie is, or they demand her to pay them back instead 😅
It costs them money to put content on their streaming service! That is why Willow got removed.... It cost them more than it was making
She virtue signaled her way to the unemployment line.
She is literally finished as a Hollywood star - she will just pop up asking for roles like the terrible she hulk woman now 😂
Nope. Already has her next gig… on stage as Evita. Fits her to a T.
So she's demoted from an audience of millions to an audience of dozens. What a flex! 😂😂😂
And what does her future hold? Flipping burgers or attending pro P rallies?
lol signaled? she klaxoned and set up a large neon sign.
Reminiscent of Soviet and Maoist era films and operas where the Socialist protagonist riles up the "oppressed" ordinary people, against the rich and powerful elites and establishes a communist "utopia", all to singing and flag- waving. The Dwarves are CG because they didn't want to "offend" "little people", by having real ones act in the film, and also were careful to include every ethnic group and race on Earth and portray them as northern Europeans in the Middle Ages.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, Rachel said she didn’t need my business at all.
It's always been "magic mirror". Many of us remember "mirror mirror". It's a Mandela Effect.
It might be because of Shrek. When the magic mirror is first brought in, Lord Farquad says “Mirror, mirror on the wall, is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all?”
At least this was the case for me.
@ In this case, I'm deliberately echoing the Chat Music video series about the movie, where it's done as the hook.
I love what the one guy said, "If I saw this on a plane, I would still walk out". LOL!
She clearly did need people’s business, judging by the box office numbers! 😂
Joe Biden, the evil clown, once said about Hollywood
“Think - behind of all of the pro Gay and "woke agenda", I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry.”
Yes, but by her actions she didn’t earn our business. 😂
An actress / actor without an audience is just a lunatic
I guess some aren't part of her definition of "people."
Where I live, business means a toilet #2. So you mean she want's me to shit on her???? Afraid she would like it a little too much. 😂
The part of the movie that shocked me was when Jonathan took an arrow for Snow White.
I was surprised that Snow White didn't berate him and say, "Do you think just because I'm a woman that I can't handle being shot in the back with an arrow?" And then go up to Jonathan, pull the arrow out and then plunges the arrow into her chest.
Just to prove her point that she can endure pain just as well as a men.
Using a broom is probably going to be Rachel's only career option after this flop...But hey..."That's Hollywood baby!"😂
My DREAM is to see her on her 4 cleaning Starbuck bathroom. Gosh I would pay to see that.
Wicked 2!?
She'll probably still try to convince some dwarves to do it for her
OF model.
Acting style and voice might be better suited for Broadway. They’re hard left so she would fit in
Snow White wasn't the fairest in the land simply because of her beauty. It was because her inner beauty radiated out to make her so. It shows 4 times in the original. first there's the prince, who sees her and feels this from her singing and falls in love with her, 2nd is the huntsman who, even though he's killed before and is a rough person, can't bring himself to kill her and protects her and sends her away telling her that the queen wants to kill her. Not only that, but risks his own life by lying to the queen and presenting her with a fake heart. Third are the animals, who in seeing Snow White don't react like they would with a regular person, by either running or attacking, but come to her aid not just once but multiple times. and Fourth are the dwarfs, who avoid people and are solid bachelors, especially Grumpy, who becomes her biggest defender. That was Snow White's strength and power. The prince didn't "stalk" her and didn't give a "non-consensual" kiss. He returned to the castle to find that she wasn't there and search for her. Only finding her after the dwarfs had put her in the glass coffin, because they couldn't bring themselves to bury her. He then gave her a love's kiss goodbye, as has been done at funerals all over for hundreds of years.
The people who made this hate Walt and his stories. They have no honor for what has come before. Worse they have no real talent, creativity, imagination, or originality either.That is showing in EVERYTHING that current corporate disney makes or touches. Not just this movie, but the parks, the resorts, etc.
Zegler isn't the only problem. Gadot was just as bad in the beginning, SHE'S the one who said, "she won't be saved by the prince". But once the backlash started, Gadot knew enough to shut up, Zegler didn't and wouldn't shut up.
I thought Gal Gadot said that just to hurry up RZ rant and for RZ not to give away the whole movie at that interview 😅
@@V123es Unfortunately, no. Gadot said this stuff at multiple interviews. During a D23 event carpet walk, then again, during an early sit down interview. Those are just two times. But as I said, when all heck started breaking bad about it, she saw the writing on the wall, and clammed up. RZ just kept going, even during the strike, she wouldn't stop.
Underrated comment!
"This propaganda is so bad that I am quite frankly insulted that you would think I would be taken in by it. I demand a better quality of propaganda!"
😂 Go watch the news on TV and "you will be served". Heck, 3.2 Billions fire in Minneapolis was "MOSTLY PEACEFUL" after all. News told me so, must be true. And no gangs are graping girls in UK, that's just fiction. INGNORE parents heard their own girls scream in pain over the phone dialed by the grapist "to add some fun" because gang greaping alone get's boring when you did it enough times. . Walk away, nothing to see, even if it's 12 Pakistany with a 14 year old girl.
If you're going to do something, do it well. Excuse me while I have a truly excellent poop.
That would require to work and require to acutaly be smart, you are asking too much
Honestly, that's what I too have been saying for two decades now. I understand propaganda is going to be out there, but you need to put effort in to do a good job people!
@@MereologistI’m reading this whilst pooping 🤷🏻♂️
Doc- Elizabeth Warren
Sleepy- Come on Man!
Dopey- A.O.C
Grumpy- Nancy Pelosi
Sneezy- Chuck Schumer
Happy-Gavin Newsom
Bashful- Eric Sawell
Fang fang go bang bang
To write a “strong” female character you do not need to give them traditionally masculine traits. Love and kindness is its own strength.
Edit: By the way I’m a woman. I’m tired of people being “you can’t be both.”
Isn’t feminism supposed to give women the choice to be a homemaker (traditional) or a working woman, or both?
And even when they do, the character doesn't need to behave like a man as well. There are many badass women around and I doubt they all pretend to be men.
Just like a nice man doesn't need to be a crying mess.
These writers are so weird, it's like they never met real people before.
Snow White's strength is simply that she's more attractive than the Queen.
She's younger and prettier, which makes the huntsman switch sides.
Well, you CAN'T give women traditionally masculine traits without making them look ridiculous, like pathetic caricatures. It never works, because there's nothing behind those traits, nothing that gives them any real force.
They don’t know what likeable means
I've known some great, strong men. They have essentially NOTHING in common with this Snow White
Rachel Zegler is quite possibly the most self-sabotaging starlet in the history of stardom.
She moves in AND forces them to clean?!🤨
Squatters in California seens to have a lot of rights
Cant have a woman doing chores in this movie. Its too 1950s and against the feminist narratives.
It's called breaking and entering...
@kenamaro3942 technically what she did in the original was the same thing but at least she cleaned up.
I mean in the OG they cleaned up so much the dwarves thought they were robbed 😅
In the OG film, Snow thought the dwarves were orphans, and cleaned up to show she wanted to care for them. After meeting them, housekeeping was the condition for letting her stay, but she was still a caring mother figure.
So to sum it up: The Queen instates Taxes to actually finance the kingdom, the spoiled princes demands Apple Pie, goes out into the woods, allies with bandits and overthrows the legitimate gouvernment...
“What’s been normal for thousands of years is now very wrong.” -🎯🎯🎯
God, this new culture cannot die fast enough, but I do love people for speaking up against it
@@jadak100I think it’s dying and slightly over exaggerated. I watched the movie and it wasn’t bad at all.
@@Evilj82 hard to agree when the whole movie tries to brainwash children that communism and socialism is ok.
It's like I always say: I don't care as long as they don't drag children into this, but they never leave them alone
@@Evilj82 Naah, this movie was horrendous. I never give a F about critics or reviews and always watch myself, but this was idiotic. Only thing i'm proud of is myself not walking out after 40 minutes.
My nieces would lose their f’ng minds being subjected to trash
The Evil Queen was sucked into the mirror because Disney wanted a sequel. Prove me wrong.
"If I saw this movie on a plane I would still walk out..."
Well if it's a Boing plane , with a female DEI pilot, you're improved your chance to land alive by walking out 🤣🤣🤣
Even more so if you're landing in Toronto or Washington.
Bot gonna lie this is the first time I've seen this and it totally made me laugh a little louder than I would have liked. Darn involuntary laughter!
Clockwork orange comes to mind where he is forced to watch the screen without blinking or moving his head. Is that worse than jumping off the plane?
This dis wins!
I do not get why people say at least Rachel can sing. Even her singing voice is obnoxious.
She likely has "range" but that doesn't translate to any audible charisma from what I've heard.
Sounds like every female wannabe Whitney Houston of the last two or three decades. Probably because their voices are computer optimized.
@ That must be what it is. Her singing voice is simply generic.
Snow White should have been reimagined as a Columbian Coke fiend .A young girl who reclaims her cartel from the Evil Boss who try to lure her into a coma by offering some free base. Aided by the seven deadly Californian Baristas
So like Queen of the South but Columbian? I would watch that
Snow White doesn't reclaim anything though, she was just a chick more attractive than the Queen.
They call her Snow White because she provides cocaine! In old detective novels, suppliers of cocaine have nicknames like Snowy…
In old detective novels, suppliers of a powdery white drug get nicknames like Snowy…
@@markiangooley Snow White was a teen wife of a drug lord in the pilot episode of Magnum.
Soviet Red: And the 7 year plan.
Actually...Bolshevik red...lower down around today's uk-reign
Dwarves in the ancient norse tales: brave souls mining underground in search of metals to forge to help aid the war against the Asgard and break the shackles of oppression.
Dwarves in the new Snow White Live Action: cleaning the "mess" for Snow White who not only intruded their home, but also ordered them around like they owe her something.
I do hate that Daredevil, much like real life, is glorifying criminals.
Dude started up with his sob story, immediately uninterested.
I'm surprised he didn't say, "as a black man in America, woah is me."
The end the movie with a Diddy White Party which is HILARIOUS 😂
This scene must have been shot before Diddy’s arrest. Probably cost Disney too much to reshoot it so they couldn’t leave it out. The whole film is a giant disappointment and simply put… it was DOA 😂😂
I thought I saw it
That "Montage" thing cracks me up - every single time - absolutely perfect!
It's fun how they even dropped "and the Seven Dwarves" from the title, because who cares about them
Not Peter Dinklage
they find the word dwarf offensive
Midge it, please..
"and the seven CGI abominations" fits this movie better
Imagine the headline: "Anti-Government insurrectionist invades home and forces disabled seniors to work while she dances"
getting "Snow White" commercials while watching this is more then irony. Let us use capitalism to sell communism.
It’s not as effective
I guess they didn’t wear a veil and then spit.
You nailed the difference of how a king, versus a queen, handles things. Sometimes life is messy, and in those times, you need someone willing to get their hands dirty, and do the work. You really did a good job of breaking this film down, and explaining what went wrong.
Mirror mirror, who's the biggest blockbuster flop of them all?
*The mirror gets confused because there have been so many flops in the last 3 years
Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho! Its off to Woke we go....with an annoying bi%ch and a super hot witch....Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho.....Down the tubes Zeglers film career will go....
It's not and never was ''mirror mirror'' It's ''magic mirror''
*so far.
Her hopping like tim walz at the end got me good 😂
Wow it's almost like they're telling us how "we will own nothing and be happy "
I'm fine with that. The stuff they selling ain't worth sh1t.
@satnav1980 well great news!! You don't have to wait for the US to fall you can get what you want immediately.. move to 🇷🇺 Russia or China 🇨🇳
@@satnav1980you’re ok with being told you’re not allowed to own anything? Everything that exists belongs to the state and they’ll be dividing everything out based on their bureaucratic wisdom?
@@kpmac1 you got that from Snow White ???
@@xtoll123 no, I was responding to the previous person’s comment.
Rachel Zegler: "I don't need your business."
Me: "challenge accepted!"
Soviet White and the 7 CGI Comrades
Hehe 😂
Amen to that! Note that nobody's talking about her beauty, because there isn't any.
I’m loving every second of this. Love how she’s gone radio silent too. 😂
Watch the Interview again where Zegler makes her insufferable remarks about the classic animated original. Notice how Gal Gadot joins in with equal "enthusiasm" when Zegler says "she is not gonna be saved by the Prince".
This is not a Zegler only Problem, this is a structural problem. The whole of Hollywood is rotten to its Core!
P.S. after watching it again, it seems my memory failed me. It was actually Gadot who said it first!
Gadot" acting" could play the broom 🧹 no problem
Always was. They're just not very good at hiding it now.
Disney is absolutely obsessed with rewriting every Bavarian fairy tale.
I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
Did I spell coincidence properly there...hmmm...
Another RUclipsr called it “true love’s handshake”
Followed by true love’s prenup
Followed by true loves open relationship, true loves divorce, true loves "you're not the father" and true loves single moms Only Fans.
Sound's like a pair of true "partners" in the making.
_...the queen's greedy economic policies, which forced them there into a liminal space where ethics are harder to define._
such a beautiful, romantically charged, timeless line.
such a load of bollx.
In the original, both the prince and SW were seeking their true loves. The message that BOTH sexes can still find true love is a message that we all need in these difficult times.
"Now no one's acting human" sums it all up pretty well
If Disney had just done a live action remake of the original Snow White story it would have been one of the most successful movies of all time.
That seems like an idea Disney will never understand. Hopefully this steers them in a better direction.
Probably. But they're too eat up with ideology to see it.
They already moved to Lilo&Stitch and Hercules live actions... im surprised Disney still has money to burn
In the original, Snow White thought the cottage was owned by orphan children, based on the beds. Which made her actions even more sweet, but i guess at this point its useless to ask for the director to understand the movie theyre remaking
I’m tired of the idea of “either or” “empowerment”. Where to be seen as strong as a woman you have to pick up a sword. How about the strength of taking care of others? The strength of optimism or believing in love?
Because they see strength of taking care of others, optimism and/or believing in love as weaknesses.
@@georgeray1906or they see it as “not enough”. Lily in Harry Potter saved her son by her love and sacrifice literally creating a protection spell around him. It wasn’t how big her muscles were that protected Harry against Voldemort, it was his mother’s love.
@@AmethystEyes I'm sure they'll "fix" that in the upcoming flop/series. 🙄
They can only write what they know and it shows they don't know much at all.
@@AmethystEyes Yup that too.
If a crime fighter fights crime and a fire fighter fights fire, what does a freedom fighter fight?
Snow White had a lower opening weekend than Brave New World and Dumbo, both were box office disappointments. They should have Pinocchio'd this straight to Disney+.
Brave New World made 400 million against a projected 360 budget (when 180 is doubled because that movie was not 180). Does that mean the profit was just 40 million?
@onmas909 no it didn't make any profit , nor did it break even... What you stated was the budget before all the reshoots, which I believe brought the cost to at least half a million dollars... Not factoring in money spent on marketing.. Ignore all the flaws of the film and we are still left with its biggest flaw... He's not Steve Rogers... I love the bat family from D.C., But there is a reason why every live action batman is Bruce despite others having carried the mantle... Why they never kill off wolverine in the comics for good, why Thor is beloved and not Jane ... People want the genuine character not the sloppy seconds or thirds.
250 years ago we slaughters the elites when they said, " give these peasant some pie if they are hungry".
Oh dear god I’m just surprised anyone is watching this movie
Some people were tricked into thinking it was a normal movie, but most obviously weren't.
@@Blaze4364 Some people went to see it so they would know how bad it really is.
lol I watched that episode of Dare Devil the other night and I was literally screaming at my tv “Don’t steal if you don’t want to be put in jail. It’s so simple!”
Now in the US if you go to church, or disagree with sex change for your kids you go to jail. You burn Minneapolis for 4.2 billions or steal under 1000$ in LA or NY .... all is fine. In UK if you pray at home, they can jail or fine you, a mother who said bad things on facebook about 5 pakistanies raping her 12 years old daughter got 2 years of jail. So .... maybe the movie is right? 🤣🤣🤣
The first time I ever heard of manifesting, it was basically just repeating your goals to yourself a few times in the shower or while you made your breakfast. The point was to pump yourself up and motivate you enough to spend the rest of your day working to achieve your goals. It was only the first step of the process. Now, many years later it seems like a lot of people think it's not only the only step in the process but is apparently the one secret every successful person has used to gain their success. My faith in humanity continues to fall.
In 2006, Rhonda Byrne published the book 'The Secret'. And the 'secret' in the book is her 'law of attraction' which is much as you describe it. That if you simply think about something enough it magickally arrives on your doorstep. Despite a lot of criticism (such as 'according to you, this means all victims caused their own tragedies') it's still a popular idea among people who prefer to not have to bother doing anything.
No I think it actually works: "weird weird" Zegler said she doesn't want our business and her manifesting came true
Scott Adams talked about doing this in one of his books from the early-mid 90s, either 'The Dilbert Principle' or 'The Dilbert Future'. I don't remember if he used the term 'manifesting', but the idea has been around for a long time, now.
Harry Potter generation that think they're all wizards. They all focused on spelling but completely forgot about the grammar.
This is why Tolkien is high lit and Potter is not.
Tiktok, The internet's game of telephone at work
Disney makes me sick and the worst part is I'm a Disney stockholder. I'm so very tired I'm waiting for them to return to what made Disney great.
It won’t change within this generation because all of their ‘creatives’ are woke and untalented. They’re incapable of crafting authentic storylines free of the messaging.
A few years back there was an attempt to change the leadership at Disney. It failed. You would be better off selling your stock. That is what I did in 2021.
‘Bint’ is such an under-utilised insult.
Not in my house it isn’t lmao
Moistened bint is even greater but save that for special occasions. When talking to a King, for example.
Stalin, in the late 30s, gave people ice cream.
The sequel is the kingdom being invaded due to the weak leadership.
I hope it’s Rapunzel’s army.
I remember in a channel call the world of Zowl, he theorize snow white kingdom, if the world of Disney is conected, is the kingdom of Wish wich become poor because of bad leadership and abuse of magick, and that the mirror in the wall was the king of wish who have become mad after being trap
Now that is something I would pay money to see! 😂
“Hi, ho”
-Rapunzel, about to kick Snows teeth in
Dude, how’s this topic so good? I’m living for it daily.
It's because it's two different movies spliced together.
Everyone seems to be ignoring that the dwarves were replaced -- not complemented -- by the "bandits," until the backlash forced Disney to shoehorn them back in ... giving us this mishmash of nonsense.
Just discovered you with this video - and WOW! I've read/seen dozens of reviews, and this is by far the best. Brilliantly done. You're expressing what all of us sense but couldn't quite put our finger on. Thank you.
Live action? But you went with CGI monstrosities instead? Little people should sue Disney for discrimination!
Remember to sue Dinklage too! His comments were directly responsible for costing good paying acting jobs.
Dinklage caused a dwarf shortage
Dwarfs aren't the same as humans with growth defects.
I'm sure the Snow white and the huntsman movie, for all its faults, used actual dwarf actors.
Hollywood really is getting worse.
They should have cgi-ed 7 dwarves that were just legally resembling dinkey dinkle.
@@LimitedCheetah 😂 I love the comment section x
06:06. "Give the starving masses something sweet to eat." Isn't that how the French Revolution started? 😭🥴🤨
08:43. "The Prince is a thief..." So, he stole that kiss? 😘
20:02. Disparu:"Manifestation is a BS TikTok trend." Me: so, not the same kind of BS that is in The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene, 1998, NY Times bestseller which sold 1.3 million copies? Yes, I had to look all of that up. 😅
"The character's contribution is she steals a horse." Well, you have to remember that in this utopia, that is wealth redistribution! 😏🤫
Sadly I live in a world where I can’t give 10 thumbs up for this brilliant analysis😢
Just say your other 8 fingers identify as thumbs
The Snow White from Mirror Mirror (2012) felt more like a leader that can handle herself than this Snow White. She even learns to become a Rogue and steals back the people’s money from the Queen. She actually goes out into the village and witnesses how harsh her kingdom became when the Queen took over and her father disappears. Is she perfect at everything at first? No, it took her weeks to learn how to steal and sword fight. Even the dwarfs are real actors.
Disney hit the bottom of the barrel ---and keeps digging.
That's Hollywood, baby!
If you’ve ever tried to melt plastic back into place, to fix something with a soldering iron or heat gun, then you keep layering on new plastic because you keep burning holes through it. You end up with an awful mess of toxic smelling ABS plastic. That’s this movie.
"Didn't mean for that to rhythm, but here we are." That one line is more entertaining than this entire travesty of a movie.
Your videos are the best, don't stop.
Another thing with Marxism, there's no marriage, so the Brave New World(the book) line comes to mind; everyone belongs to everyone else
freakin boomers woodstock orgies they just cant let it go
Bro people in the soviet union got married
I didn't bring up the Soviet Union. From what I remember, Marx was for "free love", an idea that's overtly shown in the book Brave New World
communist snow white was not on my 2025 bingo card
And the "modern audience" it's made for didn't show up to support it lmao. It's a comedy
And all the world a stage.
Keep staying humble, you're doing great.
Who is this movie for? The mystical modern Audiance no one has ever seen?
They're pro Palestine though and won't support Gal Gadot, remember. So there's only kids left to watch this and no one else lol
Poor Walt Disney. His Legacy reduced to communism and imbecility
Disparu always on point 😂
This makes me want to sit on the TV and watch the couch. 😅😅
@@stevespell2766 lol !
Does every other comment have to be recycled? 🙄
@humboldtharry1289 at least it's free
@@humboldtharry1289 I made a joke last year, and today that person unknowingly sent it to me. Idiot.
@@humboldtharry1289 100% do your part.
My favorite news story here in States where several movie theaters had only ONE person in attendance! 🤣🤣🤣
🎶 _"Hi ho, bye ho..."_ 🎶
Does it also explain how Snow's dad came to be king in the first place? Or why he lives in a castle? And yet somehow he and Snow are the good guys?...thought not
So the movie is a weird fanfic with elements of snow white (the name, the evil queen, animals, and dwarves,) but mainly its a LWW's fantasy socialist revolution/utopia where she becomes queen... while implementing communism.
“You vill accept zee communism. You vill eet zee bugs.”
@@Garek_George "You vill join in festivities of the P Diddy's white parties inspired celebration. You vill Dance! And Sing! And Show zee Merriment! Or you vill be punished!!!"
Typical tumblrina power fantasy.
Her voice is good on paper, but so devoid of soul. It makes me wince every time I hear her bleating.
Auto Tune
"The film cant replicate the original because thats too simple & obviously true. If we wanna spin a new lie we're gonna have to overcomplicate it, try to introduce nuance. We need to pretend that good is evil & evil is good, so we'll able to tell the story we want"
Are we talking about Snow White or Star Wars? Oh yeah, same company.
Like a word salad of communist concepts
She's been so full of herself throughout this whole process that she made it very easy to root against her and the movie. Disney has gone from being the gold standard to being fools gold.
Snow White and the Seven Deadly Sins could have been a far better film in the right hands...
I'd watch the "Lust" part on repeat. 🤣
The Anime "7 Deadly Sins" is FANTASTIC tough. And there is a girl that actually cook, clean, has boobs, is nice, in the anime.
If Disney had cast a white woman as Snow White this film might have made some money. No Zegler = no bad press, no rewrites, no muddled script. If only Disney, hey? If only...